
标准光 ?






1-10Gbps InfiniBand DDR 4 通道互联

Product DescriptionData Rate (Gbit/s)ReachTXRXPower ConsumptionTemperature (deg C)兼容品牌
QSFP-40G-SR4 40G 100m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40G-eSR4 40G 300m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40G-IR4 40G 2km DFB CWDM PIN <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40G-LR4 40G 10km DFB CWDM PIN <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40G-ER4 40G 30km DFB CWDM APD <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40GPSM-IR4 40G 1.4km 1310nm FP PIN <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40GPSM-LR4 40G 10km 1310nm DFB PIN <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40GAOC-X 40G 0~300m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-40G-LX4 40G 150m/2km DFB CWDM PIN <3.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列


QSFP-56G-SR4 56G 100m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-56G-eSR4 56G 300m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列
QSFP-56GAOC-X 56G 0~300m 850nm VCSEL PIN <1.5w 0~70°C/-40~85°C 全系列

QSFP,全称Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable,四通道小型可插拔光 ?,具有四个独立的全双工收发通道 。它的设计初志是用高密度的光 ?樘婊坏ネǖ赖腟FP,QSFP只比标准的SFP ?榇30% 。这种器件支持100Mbps到10Gbps的速率,和SFP一样,它也具有数字诊断能力,可以监控链路的性能 。QSFP是为高密度应用开发的 。原来的系统设计由于设备机框面板的面积有限,光纤数量受到限制,使用标准的SFP或者10Gbps XFP接头,可以容纳的通道数主要受到物理空间的限制 。QSFP就是在这样的配景下开发的,可以把更多的转发器和接收器集中在更小的空间中去 。起初是思科率先开发QSFP,准备用于SONET/SDH 。因为典范的SONET系统是首先凭据带宽来设计背板,然后再配置相应的板卡 。例如:一个10Gbps背板的SONET系统可以设计为4个OC-48端口,或者支持16个OC-12端口的板卡 。理论上,这个系统可以支持64端口OC-3的板卡 。可是这时候问题就来了,系统设计者无法做64端口的线卡,因为前面板上基础装不下那么多转发器 。所以就萌生了开发这种QSFP高密度小型接口用于OC-3端口的想法 。 今后,几家公司就QSFP的制造告竣了多源协议(MSA),器件逐渐升级 。QSFP也从纯粹的单模光纤SONET应用领域走出来,进入其它多模光纤应用,如千兆以太网、光纤通道、InfiniBand等 。许多MSA成员供应VCSEL芯片或者平行VCSEL芯片,推动了QSFP技术在多模领域的应用 。

    QSFP的4个通道的可插拔接口传输速率抵达了40Gbps 。许多XFP中成熟的要害技术都应用到了该设计中 。它作为一种光纤解决计划,并且速度和密度均优于4通道CX4接口 。由于可在XFP相同的端口体积下以每通道10Gbps的速度支持四个通道的数据传输,所以QSFP的密度可以抵达XFP产品的4倍,SFP+产品的3倍 。具有4通道且密度比CX4高的QSFP接口已经被InfiniBand标准所接纳 。

在QSFP基础上生长而来的QSFP+,全称Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Plus 。其解决计划是专为高密度的应用程序 。整个系统包括38PIN的连接器,电磁滋扰(EMI)屏蔽组件,光学收发器,散热组件,铜缆组件,MTP光缆组件,光学回环等 。


20120803001    该产品系列的设计能满足IEEE 802.3ba规范、Infiniband QDR和光纤通道要求的每个端口40 Gb/s的带宽需求 。系统功效由SFF-8436规范确定,SFF–8436协议界说了QSFP+的电气、光学、机械特性,以及I2C总线治理界面 。热插拔的收发器集成了4个传送通道和4个接收通道 。QSFP+收发器可以取代4个标准SFP+收发器 。更大的端口密度和整个系统的本钱节约凌驾古板SFP+产品 。QSFP+线缆组件被设计应用于配置在极高密度的需求 。这个系统将支持10G以太网,光纤通道,InfiniBand,SAS和SONET/SDH标准使用差别的数据率选项 。包括InfiniBand单数据率(SDR),双数据率(DDR)和四数据率(QDR),以太网系统(10~40 gbps),光纤通道(8、10gbps),SAS(12 gbps) 。

主要用途有:交换机,路由器,主机适配器总线;企业存储;高密度、高速的I/O;多通道互连 。该计划尤其适用于高流量处理系统,这些系统最典范的应用领域包括数据中心、网络连接、以及高性能盘算 。

由asiagame独立研发的具有高带宽,高速率,小尺寸,低功耗等功效的光纤插拔式QSFP+光 ?,集成了 4 个收发通道,可替代最多 4 个标准 SFP+ 收发器 。比古板的 SFP+ 产品具有更高的端口密度,并节约系统总体本钱,并且相比较古板AOC而言,应用更灵活、更易于治理和维护 。尤其重要的是该产品内部接纳奇特的COB(Chip-On-Board)设计,具有结构简洁、本钱低的优点,在相关产品领域将会体现出强大的竞争力 。


100G-QSFP28光?

100G-QSFP28光 ?槿盗

100G QSFP28 AOC,P/N: QSFP28-AOC-XXX,在OM3多模光纤上最长传输距离为100m
100G QSFP28 SR4,P/N: QSFP28-SR4,在OM3多模光纤上最长传输距离为100m
100G QSFP28 LR4,P/N: QSFP28-LR4,在单模光纤上最长传输距离为10km
100G QSFP28 PSM4,P/N: QSFP28-PSM4,在单模光纤上最长传输距离为2km

100G QSFP28 ER4,P/N: QSFP28-ER4,在单模光纤上最长传输距离为30km

40BASE-SR4 300m QSFP+ Gen2

40BASE-SR4 300m QSFP+ Gen2 Optical Transceiver Module

  •     Four-channel full-duplex transceiver module
  •     Hot-pluggable QSFP+ form factor
  •     Maximum link length of 300m on OM3 Multimode Fiber (MMF) and 400m on OM4 MMF
  •     Multirate capability: 1.06Gb/s to 10.5Gb/s per channel
  •     Unretimed XLPPI electrical interface
  •     Maximum power dissipation < 1.5W
  •     Reliable VCSEL array technology
  •     Built-in digital diagnostic functions
  •     Commercial operating case temperature range 0°C to 70°C
  •     Single 1x12 MPO receptacle
  •     RoHS-6 compliant (lead-free)

40G Ethernet 100m QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

40G Ethernet 100m QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

  •     Hot-pluggable QSFP+ form factor
  •     Supports 41.2 Gb/s aggregate bit rates
  •     Power dissipation < 1.5W
  •     RoHS-6 compliant (lead-free)
  •     Commercial temperature range 0°C to 70°C(Standard)/-40°C to 85°C (Industrial)
  •     Single 3.3V power supply
  •     Maximum link length of 100m on Multimode Fiber (MMF OM3)
  •     Uncooled 4x10Gb/s 850nm transmitter
  •     XLPPI electrical interface
  •     Single MPO receptacle
  •     Built-in digital diagnostic functions

40G Ethernet 10km QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

40G Ethernet 10km QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

  •     Hot-pluggable QSFP+ form factor
  •     Supports 41.2 Gb/s aggregate bit rates
  •     Power dissipation < 3.5W
  •     RoHS-6 compliant (lead-free)
  •     Commercial temperature range 0°C to 70°C(Standard), -40°C to 85°C (Industrial)
  •     Single 3.3V power supply
  •     Maximum link length of 10km on Single Mode Fiber (SMF)
  •     Uncooled 4x10Gb/s CWDM transmitter
  •     XLPPI electrical interface
  •     Duplex LC receptacles
  •     Built-in digital diagnostic functions

40G Multirate 10km QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

40G Multirate 10km QSFP+ Optical Transceiver Module

F-tone's QSFP-40GM-LR4 QSFP+ transceiver modules are designed for use in 40 Gigabit Ethernet links and 4x10G OTN client interfaces over single mode fiber. They are compliant with the QSFP+ MSA and IEEE 802.3ba 40GBASE-LR4 and OTU3 C4S1-2D1 requirements specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.695. Digital diagnostics functions are available via an I2C interface, as specified by the QSFP+ MSA. The transceiver is RoHS-6 compliant and lead-free per Directive 2002/95/EC, and F-tone Application Note AN-2038.

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

40G QSFP LR4 Lite光 ?椋2km)

40G QSFP LR4 Lite光 ?椋2km)

asiagame(F-tone Networks)40G QSFP LR4 Lite光 ?椋2km)设计用于双工单模光纤上的40G以太网40GBASE-LR4链路.

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

40G QSFP PSM4光 ?

40G QSFP PSM4光 ?

asiagame(F-tone Networks)40G QSFP PSM4光 ?,设计用于多个单模光纤上的40G以太网PSM4(4x 10GBASE-LR Lite)链路 。

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

40G QSFP PSM4光 ?椋10km)

40G QSFP PSM4光 ?椋10km)

asiagame(F-tone Networks)40G QSFP + PSM4 10km光 ?椋ㄊ视糜40GE / 4x10GE和OTU3 / OTU2e的GQM-SPO400-LR4CA,适用于40GE / GQM-SPO400-LR4CB)专为40G以太网PSM4或4x 10G以太网10GBASE-LR链路而设计,适用于多个单模光纤 4x10GE使用1310nm波长支持高达10km的传输距离 。




设计用于多个850nm多模光纤上的40G以太网40GBASE-SR4互连 。

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

40G QSFP SR4光 ?

40G QSFP SR4光 ?

asiagame(F-tone Networks)40G QSFP SR4光 ?,设计用于40G以太网40GBASE-SR4和OTN OTU3链路,通过多个850nm多模光纤




40G-QSFP-40 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible QSFP (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable) Transceiver, operating over pair of singlemode optical fiber providing four independent optical communication lanes seperated from each other using WDM technology. 

40G/100G系列光?

40G/100G系列光 ?

40G/100G系列光 ?

asiagame专业研爆发产:40G/100G系列光 ?, 是一家专业的40G/100G系列光 ?槌Ъ,具有优质的40G/100G系列光 ?槠分,有很好的40G/100G系列光 ?榧鄹

40GBASE-LR4 QSFP+ 1310nm Transceiver

40GBASE-LR4 QSFP+ 1310nm Transceiver

F-tone 40GBASE-LR4 QSFP Module supports link lengths of up to 10km over a standard pair of G.652 single-mode fiber with duplex LC connectors. The 40Gbps QSFP+ transceiver is well suited for Infiniband and 40GBASE-LR4 applications. It combines the higher density attractions of parallel modules with some of the key advantages normally associated with SFP+ based modules.

56G QSFP to 4x10G SFP AOC 有源光缆

56G QSFP to 4x10G SFP AOC 有源光缆

56G QSFP to 4x10G SFP AOC 有源光缆

QSFP-4SFP-AOC有源光缆集成四个数据通道和4个传输通道,每个通道可以运行在14Gbps,QSFP+到4*SFP+ AOC电缆是56GBase QSFP+混淆电缆,一端是QSFP+光连接器,另一端是4个SFP+光连接器 。

MSA Compliant QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback

MSA Compliant QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback

MSA Compliant QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback

Product Description
QSFP/QSFP+ Passive Electrical Loopback is used for testing QSFP/QSFP+ transceiver ports in board level test. By substituting for a full-featured QSFP/ QSFP+ transceiver, the electrical loopback provides a cost effective low loss method for QSFP/QSFP+ port testing.

QSFP 40G Product line

QSFP 40G Product line

F-tone’s QSFP28-100G-SR4 module is a 4-channel transceiver capable of transmitting and receiving 100 Gbps simultaneously. F-tone’s QSFP28-100G-SR4 transceiver performs at high speeds while consuming extremely low power—allowing for > 50% reduction in power consumption compared to 4 SFP+ inF-tonerconnects.

QSFP Active Optical Cable

QSFP Active Optical Cable

QSFP Active Optical Cable

QSFP Active Optical Cable

QSFP Active Optical Cable

QSFP Active Optical Cable




asiagame自主研爆发产QSFP EDFA光 ?,已海量交付给工厂自动化、电力、能源、太阳能、风电、水电、火电、核电、国防、军工、航空、航天、武器、舰船、雷达、电子、核工业、军事、铁路、医疗、交通、通信、电信、政府、信创、国防科技工业系统内大专院校及科研院所

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 0dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 0dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 0dB

● 0 ohm
● For Switch, NIC self testing
● Warranty: 500 times Cycles

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 3.5dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 3.5dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 3.5dB

● 0 ohm
● For Switch, NIC self testing
● Warranty: 500 times Cycles

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 5.0dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 5.0dB

QSFP Electrical Passive Loopback, 5.0dB

● 0 ohm
● For Switch, NIC self testing
● Warranty: 500 times Cycles

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter, Passive

● 0.5-Meter
● QSFP+ to CX4
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 1-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 1-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 1-Meter, Passive

● 1-Meter
● QSFP+ to CX4
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 2-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 2-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 2-Meter, Passive

● 2-Meter
● QSFP+ to CX4
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 3-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 3-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4 DDR Cable, 3-Meter, Passive

● 3-Meter
● QSFP+ to CX4
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to CX4(SFF-8470) DDR Cable, 5-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4(SFF-8470) DDR Cable, 5-Meter, Passive

QSFP to CX4(SFF-8470) DDR Cable, 5-Meter, Passive

● 5-Meter
● QSFP+ to CX4
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to Mini-SAS HD (SFF-8644) Cable, 1-Meter(3.3ft)

QSFP to Mini-SAS HD (SFF-8644) Cable, 1-Meter(3.3ft)

QSFP to Mini-SAS HD (SFF-8644) Cable, 1-Meter(3.3ft)

● 30AWG
● Impedance = 100 Ohms
● Up to 10 Gbps transfer rate per channel
● Fully compliant with the latest QSFP MSA (Multi-Source-Agreement) and the latest SAS3.0

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 0.5-Meter

● 0.5-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 1-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 1-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 1-Meter

● 1-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 2-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 2-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 2-Meter

● 2-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 3-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 3-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 3-Meter

● 3-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 5-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 5-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 5-Meter

● 5-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 7-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 7-Meter

QSFP to MiniSAS(SFF-8088) DDR Cable, 7-Meter

● 7-Meter
● QSFP+ to SFF-8088
● Passive Copper DAC
● Twinax Copper
● F-tone Networks offer Compatible Service

QSFP to SFP Adapter, QSA adapter

QSFP to SFP Adapter, QSA adapter

QSFP to SFP Adapter, QSA adapter

● 40G QSFP+ to 10G SFP+ Adapter.
● Enabling 10GbE connectivity on 40GbE infrastructure.
● Trouble-free installation and network bring-up.
● Compatible to: CISCO CVR-QSFP-SFP10G, MAM1Q00A-QSA
● Compliant to industry standards:QSFP+ MSA SFF-8436 / SFP+ MSA SFF-8431

QSFP28-OTU4-LR4光?

QSFP to SFP or SFP+ Adapter (QSA) Module

QSFP to SFP or SFP+ Adapter (QSA) Module

F-tone Networks’sQSFP to SFP or SFP+ Adapter (QSA) Module are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links on up to 10km of single mode fiber. They are compliant with the QSFP28 MSA, IEEE 802.3ba  QSFP to SFP or SFP+ and IEEE 802.3bm CAUI-4. Digital diagnostics functions are available via the I2C interface, as specified by the QSFP28 MSA and F-tone Networks Application Note "". The optical transceiver is compliant per the RoHS Directive 2010. See F-tone Networks Application Note "" for more details.

QSFP+ 850nm Transceiver for MMF

QSFP+ 850nm Transceiver for MMF

F-tone 40GBASE-SR4 QSFP Module supports link lengths of 100m and 150m, respectively, on laser-optimized OM3 and OM4 multimode fibers. It primarily enables high-bandwidth 40G optical links over 12-fiber parallel fiber terminated with MPO/MTP multifiber connectors. It can also be used in a 4x10G mode for interoperability with 10GBASE-SR interfaces up to 100m and 150m on OM3 and OM4 fibers, respectively.

QSFP+ Active Optical Cable

QSFP+ Active Optical Cable

QSFP/QSFP+ Passive Electrical Loopback FTCQ-XLB is used for testing QSFP/QSFP+ transceiver ports in board level test. The electrical loopback provides a cost effective low loss method for QSFP/QSFP+ port testing. The FTCQ-XLB is packaged in a standard MSA housing compatible with all QSFP/QSFP+ ports.



  • Compliant to InfiniBand, 10Gbps QDR, 5Gbps DDR, 2.5 Gbps SDR
  • Aggregate bandwidth of > 40Gbps
  • MTP/MPO optical connector
  • QSFP+ MSA compliant
  • Capable of over 100m transmission on high bandwidth 50um multi-mode ribbon fiber
  • Single +3.3V power supply
  • Operating case temperature:0°C to 70°C(Standard), -40°C to 85°C (Industrial)
  • RoHS compliant

QSFP+ Lite Optical Transceiver Module

QSFP+ Lite Optical Transceiver Module

  •     Four-channel full-duplex transceiver module
  •     Hot-pluggable QSFP+ form factor
  •     Maximum link length of 100m on OM3 Multimode Fiber (MMF)
  •     Multirate capability: 1.06Gb/s to 10.5Gb/s per channel
  •     Unretimed 4x10G electrical interface
  •     Maximum power dissipation < 1.5W
  •     Reliable VCSEL array technology
  •     Commercial temperature range 0°C to 70°C(Standard), -40°C to 85°C (Industrial)
  •     Single 1x12 MPO receptacle
  •     RoHS-6 compliant (lead-free)

[12  >>  
全国产化光 ? CFP2光 ? JYSK光纤连接器 思科光 ? Marconi光 ? Test Equipment & Others 光纤法兰适配器
SFP全国产光 ? CFP4光 ? J599III电连接器 思科FE SFP 博达光 ? 保偏光器件 光纤跳线&尾纤
1x9全国产光 ? CFP8 400Gbps S6矩形连接器 思科SFP+光 ? 网件光 ? In-line Depolarizer FTTA拉远基站光纤跳线
特种光 ? CDFP 400Gbps S7矩形连接器 思科XFP光 ? Nortel光 ? In-line Polarizer MPO/MTP高密度系列
25G~400G高速光 ? MicroQSFP光 ? GYM光纤连接器 思科CFP光 ? Moxa光 ? IPBC/S 军用野战防水光纤跳线
200km超长距光 ? DSFP光 ? J599III光纤连接器 思科QSFP-DD 光 ?  ?低视HIKVISION光 ? PBC/S 特种光纤光缆
5G移动通信光 ? FT-61光 ? 水密光缆连接器 思科QSFP+光 ? McAfee光 ? PM BPF 特种线缆组件
SFP光 ? OLT光 ? 光纤连接器转接器 思科GE SFP SMC智邦光 ? PM Circulator 通用光缆光纤跳线
1.25G SFP ONU光 ? FT-A4系列连接器 思科SFP OC3 安华高Avago光 ? PM Collimator MXC? 多芯光缆组件
CWDM SFP PLCC光 ? USB光纤延长线 思科SFP OC12 安华高Avago 1x9光 ? PM Coupler PRIZM? LIGHTTURN?组件
DWDM SFP RJ光 ? HDMI 思科SFP OC48 安华高Avago SFF光 ? PM CWDM 光纤机箱
BIDI-SFP SFF光 ? 特种电连接器 思科GBIC光 ? 安华高Avago SFP光 ? PM DWDM SMA-特殊纤芯系列
SGMII SFP SNAP12光 ? 圆形连接器 思科X2光 ? 安华高Avago QSFP28 光 ? PM Faraday mirror 特殊接头系列
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SFP+光 ? 光电编码器 ? 光纤器件 华三SFP+ 安华高 Embedded光 ? PM FWDM 大芯数系列
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QSFP光 ? 微型多路光 ? 光纤应变传感器 华三SFP STM-16 全国产化光器件 PLC平面波导光分路器 波分复用器
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1x9光 ? J599III崎岖频混装连接器 华为FE SFP Allied Telesis光 ? Pump Combiner 光电探测器 光纤光栅
CSFP光 ? NGC光纤连接器 华为XFP Foundry光 ? HP Circulator 光纤偏振 高速线缆
CSFP+10G光 ? J599A6光纤连接器 华为SFP OC12 Force10光 ? Pump laser protector 光纤滤波器
CXP光 ? GYMB光纤连接器 华为GBIC光 ? Blade光 ? Hybrid for EDFA 同轴激光器
CFP光 ? J599III光电连接器 华为SFP STM16 Linksys光 ? Test Equipment & Others 同轴电缆

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